What we grow

Our farm has several distinct ecosystems, with the river flats rising to two higher plateaus. We have terra-formed some of the slopes into productive growing areas. We have also established about 2.5acres (1 Hectare) of row-cropping area.

Daffodils Galore!

When we took over the property in June 2007, it was set up as a Daffodil farm. The daffodils bloom very early in June and July. The farm looks magnificent with large rows of ‘Magnifique’s’ which we sell direct to florists and green grocers in Melbourne. Late winter comes alive with a sea of beautiful yellow daffodils blooming against a backdrop of pink and white Japanese Cherry and Plum trees in blossom. We have

Garlic Garlic Garlic

Our main crop is beautiful organic garlic. We began growing garlic here in 2007 with a handful of bulbs of “Greek Early Purple” a purple striped hardneck variety. As additional varieties were brought in we were careful to isolate each new variety from the existing plantings so as to ensure no diseases were introduced. It takes at least three years for each variety to adapt to local growing conditions. To improve yields and bulb quality every season requires careful selection and saving of the best bulbs for seed for the next seasons plantings.

img_0978Really Free Range Chickens

We are breeding pure bred free ranging Australorp and Light Sussex chickens for both eggs and meat. Our aim is to breed a strain of bird better suited to free range egg and meat production than the breeds used in intensive commercial “factory” farming systems.

We apply a strong ethical basis in our approach to working with animals and producing food from animals. It’s so wonderful watching a chicken family [rooster, hens and baby chicks] free range – their bonding, caring and sharing of knowledge is a lesson to us all.

We feed our birds a mix of Biodynamic Wheat and Barley and Non-Certified grains and seeds. Together with all the Organic green pick and insects our birds consume in their ranging and scratching around the farm, their diet is currently about 60% Certified Organic/Biodynamic. Our poultry products are not yet Certified Organic, as up till now we have not been able to source affordable Certified Organic grains and seeds to achieve the minimum 95% Organic feed required for Certification,. Australian producers of Organic poultry, dairy and beef, pork, fish and other livestock urgently need more broadacre grain and legume growers to step off the pesticide and artificial fertilizer treadmill and take the plunge into Organic and/or Biodynamic production! It is ridiculous for Organic producers in Australia to be forced to pay two to four times the price of local non-organic feed-grade grains, seeds and legumes. That is what it costs for the 100% imported human-grade Certified Organic maize, sunflowers, sorghum and other animal feeds that Australia Organic livestock producers are currently forced to buy!

Vegies and Herbs, Nuts, Citrus and Pome Fruits

We’ve planted a wide variety of fruit and nut trees in four small orchards, including areas on the terraced slopes where we have started to ‘espalier’ apple trees. We now have around 100 Citrus trees, 100 Apples and Pears and 100 Stone Fruit as well as about ten Avocados and Walnuts, a couple of Chestnuts and a handful of Almonds amongst the stone fruit, about 30 Hazel Nuts and a few Macadamias.

We  have also planted some Bush Tucker foods in the areas of native vegetation, mainly Mountain Pepper, which is indigenous to our area, as well as a few Lemon Myrtles. Native Daisy Yams and Warragul greens are here too!

jam-familyValue Added Products

We value add our grown-on-farm produce by making a range of Certified Organic and superbly delicious preserves for sale that use our produce as the key ingredient. The range includes Wild Harvest Blackberry Jam along with a variety of delicious organic Citrus Marmalades, Sauces, Chutneys, Pickles and Preserves. As of early 2021 we were at last able to source Australian grown Organic Raw Sugar.